Saturday, September 13, 2008

Third Day

We knew we had God's peace surrounding us in the first days after we found out Richard had died. Little did we know that the Christian band "Third Day" was praying that very thing - that God's peace would surround us. We found out seven months after he was put on the transport plane to take him from Iraq to Kuwait that the members of Third Day were on that same plane. They witnessed the loading of his flag draped case and the honor paid to him by his fellow soldiers. They spent a humbling two hours on the plane with him, not know who he was but praying for his family. We had the priviledge of meeting the band when they invited us to be their guests at Rock the Universe at Universal Studios on September 6, 2008. What a blessing to meet them and share their experience. Richard, you were sent off in style and honor!

Here's a picture of the case on the plane:

Thank you Third Day for your prayers. Thank you Woody for arranging the meeting and your prayers as well.

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